Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy First Birthday WWMLS

Last Saturday marked the first birthday for the World Wide MLS (WWMLS). Since then, the follow progress has been made towards WWMLS:

As MLSN is presented to different groups such as academics and technologists, I am confident with the two upcoming presentations in 2012, especially in St. Petersburg at ARES, that the MLSN Protocol and WWMLS framework will alter others' thought processes of not only the dysfunctional aspect of today's legacy MLS, but also future directions in how real estate consumers interact and expect a specific quality of service (QoS) from real estate professionals. The main intention is integrate WWMLS in every aspect of the future of real estate.

Moving foward, the second phase for WWMLS will be the introduction of the messaging language called Real Estate Metadata Language (Remetal). This XML language will be used to markup properties in a self-describing, yet simple language for sending and receiving between the main OpenMLS Registry and accredited OpenMLS Registrars. I plan to propose Remetal to additional call for papers (CFP) on the academic and technical levels in 2012.

The third yet most important phase will be for the Real Estate Transport Protocol (RETP). This protocol defines the type of messaging, the distribution channels, error correction system, etc. Again, RETP papers will be proposed along with exhibitions at national and if necessary global science fairs.

The future of real estate is bright and changing.

And as the cliche goes, please stay tuned...


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