Sunday, October 14, 2012

Continuing Education Course Development

From my research and and recent REEA conference trip, I realized a lack of technical and business type courses exist for real estate salespeople needing continuing education (CE) credits. The usual real estate CE courses cover ethics, law or other selling topics, however, my research shows other possible topics could be just as popular and important. But, the key to new course development is to remain theoretical in nature rather than developing a how to be successful salesperson course which would not be approved by any real estate state commission.

So this past month I began reading and researching a new topic for eventual CE course development. Customer Relationship Management is currently under development with associated course textbooks to accompany the online course. Using Moodle, I intend to publish this course and future courses online using e-learning methods and features. My goal is to have a beta version of the CRM course published online by the end of the month while submitting a course application to the Florida DBPR for CE approval. More CE courses will eventually be developed using this theoretical model along with applying real world use cases using specific software applications such as SalesForce and Google Apps.


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